sOnG FrOm mY HeArT
I love to write songs , cause it's like the music is flooding out of my heart and I can't stop it at all! if I have a song in my head I have to write it down and sing it.
Allways when i'm writing that speciall song it's like that every moment i singing and playing that song , I wan't to crye and scream och laught of happiness and just let every thing go :) The music is a part of me and I thanking God every time i sing and every day , for that he give me this speciall gift :)
I praising god every minut i sing he's songs that I've only wroth to him and only him!
I'm so glad that i've found so many frieds with the same faith that i have :) both in sweden and in other countrys :)
I just wanna say :
Thank you God and every person that been here for me.
Allways when i'm writing that speciall song it's like that every moment i singing and playing that song , I wan't to crye and scream och laught of happiness and just let every thing go :) The music is a part of me and I thanking God every time i sing and every day , for that he give me this speciall gift :)
I praising god every minut i sing he's songs that I've only wroth to him and only him!
I'm so glad that i've found so many frieds with the same faith that i have :) both in sweden and in other countrys :)
I just wanna say :
Thank you God and every person that been here for me.
